Root Machines
"A few examples? “Return to the Source” is particularly significant: built within a museum glass case, and comprising an ensemble made up of two guillotines with a cone in their middle. The cone has the purpose of preventing the return of the guillotines to their original position, thus rendering the machine unusable in practice. What is, therefore, the remaining function of such a “pointless monster”? Clearly, that of presenting the viewer with a reason to invent another activity for the machine, whatever this might end up being. This is also a clear strategy for Smith to involve the viewer and make them an “integral part” of the artwork.
"This could lead viewers to think of Smith’s work as a game, or a collection of refined “divertissements”, but this is not the case: Smith maintains a mathematical rigor and psycho-analytic vocation throughout every aspect of his creative activity."
L'ARENA - June 1977 - Alan Smith Exhibition (La Mostra di Alan Smith) - Adalberto Scemma
"This could lead viewers to think of Smith’s work as a game, or a collection of refined “divertissements”, but this is not the case: Smith maintains a mathematical rigor and psycho-analytic vocation throughout every aspect of his creative activity."
L'ARENA - June 1977 - Alan Smith Exhibition (La Mostra di Alan Smith) - Adalberto Scemma